Recently, the company has received the Liuzhou stable job subsidy in the amount of over 530,000 yuan.

In order to further promote and encourage stable jobs in enterprises, Liuzhou City issued the Notice Regarding Relevant Matters on Further Improving Unemployment Insurance and Supporting Stable Jobs in Enterprises (L.R.S.F. (2015) No. 88), and issued stable job subsidy to eligible enterprises.   In November, the Human Resources Department analyzed the personnel joining and leaving the company in 2014 (the company’s staff team was stable overall in 2014 due to the good development of main business), and compiled and submitted relevant materials to the Municipal Social Security Bureau. Upon review and approval of Liuzhou Municipal Social Security Bureau and Liuzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and after public announcement with no objections, the company has recently received the stable job subsidy in the amount of over 530,000 yuan. The stable job subsidy will mainly be used for relevant expenditure such as living allowance for employees, social insurance premiums, job transfer training, and skill improvement training.